My small Work from home set up

WFH Small office set up at home

A lot of us are working from home at the moment and since recently moving into a new space I found a small pocket in my 2 bed apartment to position a small ‘work from home’ space.

I have worked partially from home the last 3 years but never opted to invest in a designated space of work. I find home offices in general can be clunky, messy and just an eye sore - Especially in a small rental.

Unfortunately, the market is saturated with stationary and office furniture that is

  1. Super expensive and ugly

  2. What’s is stylish, lacks function and never seems to look good unless you keep it organised at all times. Which is unrealistic.

  3. Really hard to fit a desk within your space if its on the smaller side.

So for my office set-up I went down the more vintage eclectic style just because I really liked the more masculine, traditional form.

For size I actually opted for a console table. They’re more slender and can be used as a desk, and then packed away and used as a display piece when you don’t want to look at your work space anymore.

I purposely picked out a console that was just wide enough to fit my laptop and keyboard. And had two drawers to store it all way neatly when i want it out of the way - thankfully Apple products are sleek and thin so easily storable. But, at the same time when its out on display its not a sore eye.

A console is honestly the best option for those of you who are like me a prefer things to fit a the theme in a room and not have an office space take over and overwhelm a room. That or jump to a bigger scale and grab a dining table. Just so each item has a dual purpose.

My main tips for when looking at getting some office furniture are

• Make sure it has drawers - be it small or large you need room to store things

• Keep things minimal and don’t be afraid to add decor that isnt ‘office’ related e.g - The lamp and the propagated monstera vessel moment just adds life and keeps things interesting. Nothing worse than a dull, clinical space to work in.

• Allow the items to have cross-functional purposes. I’d honestly opt for a console or a dining table rather than a desk. Especially in apartment living. Things need a dual purpose and at home its more about living, than working. Leave the chic desks and office attire for that studio you’re planing on owning one day!

Here’s a few of the items I have in my office space for you to shop yourself if you’re interested along with some other options if your style is slightly more on the minimal, Scandi or mid century vibe. enjoy!


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interior design trends 2021