5 tips to unwind whilst self isolating

unwind cover shot

So we’re all pretty much self-isolating at the moment. I’m on day 9! and I’ve got a few pointers I’d like to share with you to help keep things interesting whilst at home. I’m going to make a seperate blog post on tips when working from home. But I thought for now this one is more appropriate given all of us are spending a lot of time indoors and not all of us are currently able to work. So, without further a do! here are my 5 top tips to make this time somewhat a little nicer I hope :)

  1. Podcasts and Soundscape Playlists 

    Soundscapes like rainfall or crashing waves are great for when you want to relax. Especially around bedtime as it allows your mind to focus on the sound rather than try and solve problems. Also “Cafe sounds” is a great one for when you’re working or trying to concentrate. it puts some white noise out so you are not disrupted by other random noises that could occur whilst you’re at home.

    As for podcasts, It’s great to find people/channels who motivate you and make you feel like you’re super productive whilst just sitting and listening. Or cleaning! I love to listen to a podcast whilst I tidy up. Also, it can lead to further investigation into something you didn’t know much about. I love listening to peoples backstory behind their brands and how they built their business.

    Here are my top 3 podcasts atm ; House of Style Podcast by Jono Fleming and Kerrie-ann Jones , Why Wont You Date Me? by Nicole Byer , Eye Swoon by Athena Calderone

  2. At Home Spa 

    Time to pull out the bathrobe and get comfy! Make time (once or twice a week) to really go in for a deep cleanse. A nice hot shower and a good scrub down. Exfoliate, tone and hydrate! wear a face mask and get a good serum or two! Double shampoo your hair and condition those ends! Light some candles and if you’ve got a diffuser, use it! Literally make the effort to pamper and look after yourself. You’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated. All whilst staying in. Here’s a couple of my favourite affordable serums from The Ordinary - Retinoid serum, Hyaluronic acid serum ,

  3. Tea time & Slow living

    If you’ve got the supplies, bake something! be it brownies or muffins. Something to challenge, but relax you. Not to mention make your house smell amazing! Make a pot of tea, with tea leaves rather than just a tea bag. Do some slow living stuff. Make a hot breakfast. Take a step back in time and slow all those processes down to really take in each moment and relax. Just this morning I made a hot breakfast for two and can i just say, trying to keep everything hot is a serious challenge that I’m going to need to work on!

  4. At Home Work-outs

    Im not going to sit here and say that Im working out every single day. But! I can tell you that when I do workout I feel better about myself and know that it’s helping me unwind. I use the app. Freeletics It has quick 30min workouts that show you how to do the moves and you can decide what workout suits your space and your endurance. I literally workout in my tiny living room in the morning and Im seriously puffed by the end of it. Then I jump straight in the shower and we’re off to a great day!

  5. Call your mum

    Or at least your closest family member or friend. Check in on them and chat. There’s nothing like a good phone call. I know Millennials and Gen Z are freaking out! But seriously, a kind voice on the other side of the line really does help either yourself or the person you’re talking to.

    For your friends around the world use apps like Houseparty and connect with one another and play games together!

I hope you’re all keeping safe and looking after yourselves.

Lots of love from my humble abode :)


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