My 8 Isolation Es'scent’ials

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Okay, so a bit of tongue and cheek throughout this crazy time we’re living in right now. I wanted to bring you my current home and body ‘es’scente’ials’ if you will.

You guys know I’m a fragrance addict. Be it a cologne, scented candle, reed diffuser, room and linen spray.. whatever form a scent can come in I’ve got it! - in numbers. Kind of glad I've hoarded so many as now has never been a better time given we’re at home so much atm. Each product works better in and on different parts of the home/body. So I’ve got my 8 go-to scents as well as their places for prime fragrant goodness!

Let's go!

AESOP - Reverence Aromatique Hand Balm

  • Okay, so I had to have a hand lotion in the mix. Let’s be real, we are washing our hands a lot more than usual and dry hands is just something none of us have time for atm. Especially when you consider your hands and face are the first places to really show off your age. So keep those paws clean and lotioned! my go-to is this hand lotion from Aesop. We know it to be the classic gift when we have no idea what to get someone. But this lotion is beautiful. A gorgeous woody, an earthy and smoky vibe that doesn’t leave too much residue. Nothing worse than a hand lotion leaving your phone screen all smudged or slick on your keyboard. I highly recommend this hand lotion.

The Diffusers

  • These are the strongest diffusers I’ve used. The scent pay-off is great! it lasts a long time and they smell divine! I’ve currently got the ‘White Gardenia’ in my bedroom and the New release ‘Coconut & Water flower’ in my bathroom. They both have a gorgeous botanical vibe. Not too sweet, or floral. The perfect balance of green scents that makes my home smell like its surrounded by flowering hedges and my bathroom a tropical day-spa. Love!

Reed diffusers work best in places that get a lot of air-flow. Think of them as a bunch of flowers. You need to walk by and brush past them and have the scent waft into the air. So keep that in mind when you’re placing them over your space. Think entryway, sideboard, and hallways.

TOP TIP! My favourite spot is actually in my European laundry cupboard. I have one place on top of the dryer and humidity/ opening and closing of the cupboard doors leaves my laundry/cleaning cupboard smelling amazing!

Chanel ‘Platinum - Egoiste’

  • Okay, so I always come back to this scent. I have found throughout using an array of different brands and colognes that Chanel by far gets the most compliments. I try and avoid the well-known Chanel scents as I fear those moments when you’re in the lift at work and they say “are you wearing ……?” rather than “You smell amazing! what are you wearing?”

  • I also like them because they’re an affordable cologne that I don’t question my overuse of. I reserve my more expensive brands for more date nights and outings and use the Chanel for the everyday. This way I’m always getting a scented fix without questioning my actions haha!

I’ve also started to wear the matching deodorant. At first, I was hesitant in thinking I was treading total ‘gift-pack dad territory’ but given these are only EAU DE TOILETTE fragrances, they need a little helping hand to keep them lasting all day. Although I warn those with sensitive skin as these tend to dry your skin out a fair bit. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol content or what but just something to keep in mind.

MOR Boutique - Northern Lights Candle

  • This is my go-to coffee table candle. That or it's sitting on the side table next to my sofa. I love the blend of Bergamot, Saffron, Amber. It’s an unusual scent that's really warm and soothing. It’s not too sweet, woody or zingy. Its just a gorgeous blend of them all can you believe!? Trust me it’s a winner and looks so aesthetically pleasing. You all know I love anything brass. Not to mention a bargain! this candle is only $37!

Scented candles are pretty universal in terms of where you can put them. But I like to keep them in more central parts of your home. So be it a coffee table, kitchen sink or island bench. A place where you see it often enough to think to burn it. And while you’re not, it can still emit a soft scent throughout the day as you home heats and cools over the day.

BYREDO Suede hand wash.

  • Okay, so this is one pricey hand wash. It’s not my every day that's for sure! especially atm given COVID-19 has struck but! if you’ve got some birthday money left over, it is one beautiful, amazing and gorgeous hand wash. Providing one hell of an experience each and every time you wash your hands. It smells amazing! and it lingers on your hands long after you’ve rinsed and dried off. I don’t know how they do this but it makes it worth the investment. Not only that, but it’s essentially a statement within your home. It looks amazing, right? cant go wrong.

BYREDO ‘Mojave Ghost’ Body lotion

  • So I didn’t want to double up on the BYREDO products given its a little pricier but! this moisturiser is totally worth a mention. It's my self-care night body lotion. It’s a gorgeous lightweight lotion that emits the most beautiful scent that just makes you smell like a dream. Mind you, don’t put this too far up your neck because this baby is strong! It’ll overwhelm you if you have it too close to your nose so keep it for your arms, legs and chest area. Or ignore my advice and take it up to your neck but don’t say I didn’t warn you! haha!

The Aromatherapyco. Lavender & Clary Sage Home and Linen Spray

  • This room spray is perfect for just before bed. Or when you want to relax. Lavender is known to soothe and calm. I love this room spray because it isn’t overpowering and feels almost medicinal in a way. I spray it on my pillows and bed linen to help me unwind at night. Perfect after long days working from home. It helps you get into sleep mode.

I hope you’ve discovered some new fragrances to try out along with some new ways to use them! I hope you’re all well and staying safe.

Best wishes til next time,


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